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At Finish-Well Ministries, Inc. we provide compassionate support, guidance, and structure to individuals seeking recovery through faith lived out. It is a safe space! Here's what some of our participants have to say about their experience with our program:


Johnathan Yarborough, founder of Finish Well Ministries, came into my life at a time when I was at my lowest point in my life. I was using and on the verge of losing everything including my life. It was 2010.

My cousin Michelle introduced me to a man named Johnathan. He came to my place, and we talked about how he became a part of my life. Even after I told him about my sexual orientation, he smiled and said he was flattered but he wasn't that way. We laughed about it later. 

Well, time went on and after he helped me to get into treatment I learned how to live and love a clean and sober life.  Johnathan helped me to learn how to love me again, something I certainly wasn't doing enough of. Fast forward a bit, I was released from treatment, and I was unsure of where I was headed. I got placed into a 3/4 sober living house where I went to meetings to learn how to live a different life.  I met others through Johnathan, which is where I met Alonzo, my former grand sponsor. We would go to meetings because I learned so much. Fast forward I was able to return to work, and eventually, I got a car, unfortunately, that car was totaled in an accident in Christmas 2015. Although life has thrown me some curves it's the lessons and foundation I was able to learn and gain with Johnathan's help all those many years ago that has helped me thus far and continue to help me when times get hard, like living with the loss of my oldest sister to breast cancer in 2021 and the death of my mom 5 months later, I got through that pain without using, and for that, I say thank you, Johnathan.

- Gregory K, Ruff!

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